“When you are joyful and happy, you are in a state of flow. You are effective. When you are stressed, you are distracted and scattered. Effectiveness and performance is compromised. The choice is obvious. The ‘Consciousness Method’ is a deceptively simple way expand personal and team effectiveness.”  – From the introduction

Awaken The Hidden Power Within

Learn the 7 Core Principles that will launch you into success in every area of your Life.

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Studies & Results

Studies consistently show that increases in forebrain focus results in lower stress, while increasing other higher brain function and effectiveness.

Based on Pre-test/Post-test Results using BrainFocus’ “Stress, Focus and Resilience Questionnaire” as the assessment tool.

60% ↑ across all measures (not shown – Adaptability, Resilience, Focus, all Stress Types, etc) 

Daffodils & David at JSE

Ea mei nostrum imperdiet deterruisset, mei ludus efficiendi ei. Sea summo mazim ex, ea errem eleifend definitionem vim. Detracto erroribus et mea.

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