One Billion Breaths

Project for Peace

As the wars ramp up, division is fomented. As sabres rattle, the more fearful we become. We feel helpless against the weapons of destruction.

For some they wonder if they are next.

But there is a more powerful force that when harnessed, bullets and bombs will have no effect. 

It is called Consciousness. And I would ask that you join me in bringing this force to life in the world. 

Would you donate 3 minutes of your time each day to help secure a more peaceful co-existence for us al while at the same time reducing your own stress in increasing your own intelligence and intuitive power?

Below are placeholders for 3 videos that are planned.

Number 1 is an explainer on what Intelligent Heart Force is and how we can easily use it to effect positive change globally. 


Number 2 is a step-by-step guided introduction to help you practice and how you can activate it immediately and sustain it in just 3 days. 

Number 3 is an audio of the 3-minute practice that you can download and use from your own device. 

Ea mei nostrum imperdiet deterruisset, mei ludus efficiendi ei. Sea summo mazim ex, ea errem eleifend definitionem vim. Detracto erroribus et mea.

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